Polymorphism of interleukin control genes and risk of neoplasms in exposed individuals

About authors

1 Ural Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia

2 Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Evgenia A. Blinova
Vorovskogo st., 68, bldg. A, Chelyabinsk, 454141, Russia; ur.mrcru@avonilb

About paper

Funding: the study received funding in the context of the Federal Target Program "Ensuring nuclear and radiation safety in 2016-2020 and up to 2030" (State Contract #11.313.21.2 of June 15, 2021).

Author contribution: EA Blinova — generalization of primary material, analysis and discussion of results, article text authoring; MA Yanishevskaya — statistical processing of primary data; AV Akleyev — study planning, article editing.

Compliance with the ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the FMBA of Russia (Minutes #4 of June 8, 2023). All procedures on humans performed in the context of the study conform to the requirements of the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its subsequent amendments or comparable ethical standards. Each participant of the study signed the voluntary informed consent form.

Received: 2023-06-09 Accepted: 2023-07-20 Published online: 2023-08-12

Factors of the immune system, including secreted pro-inflammatory interleukins, enable tumor control. However, against the background of prolonged chronic inflammation, they can trigger oncogenesis. Polymorphic variants in the coding and regulatory regions of cytokine genes can affect gene expression, mRNA stability, structure and activity of the protein product, with consequences on the levels of cells and body as a whole. This study aimed to search for the relation between polymorphic variants of interleukin genes IL1b (rs1143634), IL2 (rs2069762), IL4 (rs2070874), IL6 (rs1800795), IL8 (rs4073), IL10 (rs1800871) and risk of cancer, and to analyze the effect of polymorphic loci on concentration of serum interleukins. The study involved 585 persons chronically exposed to radiation. We established association of polymorphic IL4 site (rs2070874) with concentration of serum IL4 in individuals with chronic low dose-rate exposure of the red bone marrow 1.17 to 3507 mGy (mean value — 566 mGy). The content of serum IL4 in people with C/T and T/T genotypes (as per the dominant model) was significantly lower than in those with C/C genotype (p = 0.02). Polymorphic sites rs1143634, rs2069762, rs2070874, rs1800795, rs4073, rs1800871 were not found to be associated with the risk of malignant neoplasms in exposed individuals.

Keywords: SNP, chronic radiation exposure, immune system, malignant neoplasms, long-term effects