ISSN Print 2713-2757    ISSN Online 2713-2765


Children's Research and Clinical Center of Infectious Diseases (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Member of RAS, DSc (medicine), professor

Areas of expertise:

infectious diseases in children, epidemiology

Special awards and honors:

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education
Order of Honor for Great Contribution to the Development of Healthcare of Medical Science

Significant publications in last 5 years

1. Lobzin Yu.V., Rychkova S.V., Uskov A.N., Skripchenko N.V., Fedorov V.V. Modern trends in infectious diseases in children in the Russian Federation // Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin, - 2020.- T . 27, No 4, - p. 119-133. (Russian)

2. Lobzin Yu.V., Skripchenko N.V., Gorelik E.Yu., Vilnits A.A., Markova K.V. Meningococcal infection in children as a medical and social problem // Polyclinic, - 2020.- No 3, - pp. 43-46. (Russian)

3. Lutckii A., Sallberg M., Zhirkov A., Lobzin Y., Strunz B., Bjorkstrom NK, Filipovich O., Rukoiatkina E., Gusev D., Fischler B., Aleman S Evidence for b cell maturation but not trained immunity in uninfected infants exposed to hepatitis C virus // Gut. - 2020. - T. 69, No 12, - C. 2203-2213.

4. Lobzin Yu.V., Cherkashina I.V., Samoilova I.G. Medical rehabilitation of children who have undergone COVID-19 // Journal of Infectology, - 2020. - T. 12, No S3. - P. 64-74. (Russian)

5. Lobzin Yu.V. Managed and socially significant infections: problems and solutions // Bulletin of medical science, - 2019.- No 3 (15) -. S. 39-43. (Russian)

6. Lobzin Yu.V., Lukin EP, Lukin P.E., Uskov A.N. Bioterrorism in a series of biological threats: past and present // Medicine of extreme situations, - 2018.- T. 20, No. 1, - P. 8-34 (Russian)