ISSN Print 2713-2757    ISSN Online 2713-2765


Scientific Director,
Institute of Immunology (Moscow, Russia)

Member of RAS, DSc (medicine), professor

Areas of expertise:

allergology, immunology, infectious and immunological processes in radiation injury, healthcare organization

Special awards and honors:

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1992)

RF Government Prize (1996)

Order of Honor (1997)

A. A. Bogomolets Prize of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences

State Prize of the Russian Federation for the work "Conjugated polymers-subunit immunogens and vaccines" (2001)

Order of the Red Banner of Labor;

Order of the Badge of Honor

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2005)

State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the scientific and practical development of Russian immunology (2011)

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2010)

Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation - for the achieved labor success, active social activity, merits in the patriotic education of youth and many years of conscientious work (2015)

Significant publications in last 5 years

1. Khaitov M.R., Gaisina A.R., Shilovskiy I.P., Smirnov V.V., Nikonova A.A., Khaitov R.M., Ramenskaia G.V. The role of interleukin-33 in pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. New experimental data // Biochemistry (Moscow). 2018.Vol. 83.No. 1.P. 13-25.

2. Khaitov M, Nikonova A, Shilovskiy I, Kozhikhova K, Kofiadi I, Vishnyakova L, Nikolskii A, Gattinger P, Kovchina V, Barvinskaia E, Yumashev K, Smirnov V, Valenta R, Khaitov R, Skvortsova V, et al. Silencing of SARS-CoV-2 with modified siRNA-peptide dendrimer formulation. Allergy. 2021 Apr 10.doi: 10.1111 / all.14850.

3. Gudima G.O., Khaitov R.M. Prospects for the use of mirnas and small interfering RNAs for the treatment of HIV infection // Immunology. 2018.Vol. 39.No. 2-3. S. 137-142. (Russian)

4. Khaitov, R. M. Immunity and cancer / Khaitov R. M., Kadagidze Z. G. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2018 .-- 256 p. - ISBN 978-5-9704-4481-8. (Russian)

5. Khaitov R.M. Immunomodulators: myths and reality // Immunology. 2020.Vol. 41.No. 2.P. 1-6. (Russian)