Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Injury Surgery,
I. P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University (St. Petersburg, Russia)
DSc (medicine), professor
Areas of expertise:
organization of emergency medical care, medicine of extreme situations and disasters
"Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" (1996)
Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov
Significant publications in last 5 years
1. Teplov V.M., Tsebrovskaya E.A., Kolomoitsev V.V., Karpova E.A., Minnulin I.P., Bagnenko S.F. Ultrasound diagnostics in the hands of a doctor of an inpatient emergency department: simulation and practical implementation // Kazan Medical Journal. 2019.Vol. 100.No. 3.P. 488-491. (Russian)
2. Nikovich V., Bulayich R., Koyich D., Vuyachich S., Zogovich D., Abdurakhmanov A., Minnulin I.P., Teplov V.M., Afanasyev A.A., Lagner A., Minnullin R.I. Therapeutic hypothermia in the complex treatment of postresuscitation disease // Emergency medical care. 2021. T. 22. No. 1. S. 76-80. (Russian)