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Environmental impact assessment of the territories in the vicinity of commissioning regional radioactive waste management facility

Zozul YuN, Kiselev SM, Laschenova TN, Shlygin VV, Akhromeev SV, Gimadova TI, Malakhova AN, Shashkova OB, Oskina KYu
About authors

Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Yilia N. Zozul
Zhivopisnaya, 46, 123098, Moscow; ur.tsil@kinluj

About paper

Author contribution: Zozul YuN — preparation and analysis of research data; Kiselev SМ, Laschenova ТN — overall management, analysis of research data; Shlygin VV — assessment of radiological situation, data processing; Akhromeev SV — spectrometry, data acquisition; Gimadova TI — thermoluminescence dosimetry; Malakhova AN — data acquisition, working with TL-dosimeters; Shashkova OB — atomic absorption spectrometry; Oskina KYu — radiochemistry research.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was carried out in full compliance with radiation safety measures and labour protection requirements. No research involving himan subjects or animals was performed.

Received: 2021-07-15 Accepted: 2021-08-11 Published online: 2021-08-27
Table 1. Levels of heavy metals and arsenic in soils in the area of Regional center of conditioning and long-term storage of radioactive waste construction in 2017 and 2019
Note: * — results of original research; ** — hygienic standards are provided for total forms for clayey and loamy soil with pH < 5.5 [10]; *** — maximum permissible content of the element based on one of four hazard indicators.
Table 2. Internal exposure AAED in the population of Staryi Dunay settlement due to drinking water and local food intake
Note: * numerator — range of variation, * denominator — median; ** drinking water — interventional level (IL) [4]; ** food — permissible level (PL) [16].
Table 3. Average annual external exposure AAED in the population of Staryi Dunay settlement
Table 4. Concentrations of heavy metals and arsenic in soil and underground water in the vicinity of Regional center of conditioning and long-term storage of radioactive waste
Note: * — median and its confidence limits; ** numerator — median concentration in boreholes (70 m/30–40 m deep); ** denominator — median concentration in wells.
Table 5. Individual radiation risk for the population of Staryi Dunay settlement
Table 6. Individual carcinogenic risk caused by chemical pollution for the population of Staryi Dunay settlement
Note: * — calculated without taking into account the 30–40 m deep boreholes.