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Primary pre-hospital triage of patients with COVID-19

Cherkashin MA1, Berezin NS2, Berezina NA1, Nikolaev AA1, Kuplevatskaya DI1, Kuplevatsky VI1, Rakova TM1, Shcheparev IS3
About authors

1 Berezin Diagnostic and Treatment Center of International Institute of Biological Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia

2 International Institute of Biological Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia

3 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Mikhail A. Cherkashin
6-ya Sovetskaya, 24–26b, St. Petersburg , 191144, Russia; ur.cdl@cm

About paper

Author contribution: Cherkashin MA — article planning, literature collecting and analysis, manuscript writing, editing; Berezina NA — literature collecting and analysis, manuscript writing; Berezin NS — article planning, manuscript writing, editing; Nikolaev AA, Kuplevatskaya DI, Kuplevatsky VI, Rakova TM, Shcheparev IS — literature collecting and analysis, manuscript writing.

Received: 2022-04-14 Accepted: 2022-04-29 Published online: 2022-05-25
Fig. 1. Layout of the Sichuan university clinic triage station (adapted from [49])
Fig. 2. Layout of the floor with CT scanner. O2 — oxygen source, ALS — emergency trolley [7]
Fig. 3. Levels of protection depending on working conditions [7].
Table 1. Scoring system for assessment of radiographic findings and CT results (Brixia scoring system modified by Çinkooğlu)
Table 2. CO-RADS classification [7, 38]
Table 3. Classification of the CT scan results based on the changes revealed