Pilot survey of physicians on the system of assigning professional grades

About authors

1 Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia

2 Academy of Postgraduate Education under the Federal state budgetary unit "Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Specialized Medical Assistance and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical Biological Agency", Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Adelina V. Kochubey
Volokolamskoye shosse, 91, Moscow, 125371, Russia; moc.liamg@ayebuohcok

About paper

Author contribution: Misharin VM — research coordination, data analysis and interpretation, literature review; Kochubey AV — concept, design, statistical analysis, conclusions, manuscript writing.

Received: 2023-08-06 Accepted: 2023-09-20 Published online: 2023-09-29
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