ISSN Print 2713-2757    ISSN Online 2713-2765


First Deputy General Director, Head of the Department of Occupational Medicine, Hygiene and Occupational Pathology with a course in industrial toxicology and medical protection,
A. I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center (Moscow, Russia)

DSc (medicine), Professor, Moscow, Russia

Areas of expertise:

radiobiology, radiation medicine, occupational pathology, biomedical technologies

Significant publications in last 5 years

1.Metlyaeva N.A 1, Lartsev M.A., Bushmanov A. Yu., Galstyan I. A., Ryabinina L. A., Sukhova M. Yu., Skorobogatykh E. S., Kirilchev A. P., Shcherbatykh OV, Torubarov FS Psychophysiological aspects of clinically expressed disorders of mental adaptation in a patient who received local radiation injury iv (extremely severe) degree (23 years of follow-up) // Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2021.T. 66.No. 3.P. 13-18. (Russian)

2. Bushmanov A. Yu., Galstyan I. A., Soloviev V. Yu., Konchalovsky M. V. Lessons for public health: the Chernobyl accident and the COVID-19 pandemic // Medical radiology and radiation safety. 2020.Vol. 65.No. 3.P. 79-84. (Russian)

3. Grigoriev Yu. G., Samoilov AS, Bushmanov A. Yu., Khorseva NI Mobile communications and children's health: the problem of the third millennium // Medical radiology and radiation safety. 2017.Vol. 62.No. 2.P. 39-46. (Russian)

4. Bushmanov A. Yu., Sheino IN, Lipengolts AA, Soloviev AN, Koryakin SN Prospects for the use of combined technologies in proton therapy of malignant neoplasms // Medical radiology and radiation safety. 2019.Vol. 64.No. 3.P. 11-18. (Russian)

5. Temnov A., Astrelina T., Rogov K., Moroz B, Lebedev V, Nasonova T, Lyrshchikova A., Dobrynina O., Deshevoy Y., Melerzanov A., Bader A., ​​Mishra A., Giri S. , Boyarintsev V., Trofimenko A., Bushmanov A., Samoylov A. Use of paracrine factors from stem cells to treat local radiation burns in rats // Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications. 2018.Vol. 11, pp. 69-76. DOI: 10.2147 / SCCAA.S164630