Leading Researcher,
Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
DSc (medicine), professor
Areas of expertise:
space medicine: medical aspects of EVA, effects of microgravity, hypogravity, hypobaric decompression, hypoxia.
Honored Healthcare Worker of Russian Federation
Full Member of the International Academy of Astronautics
Significant publications in last 5 years
1. Katuntsev V.P., Osipov Yu.Yu., Filipenkov S.N., Tarasenkov G.G., Krasnov A.N. Russian experience of medical support for extravehicular activities of cosmonauts carried out from the International Space Station in 2001-2015. // Medicine of extreme situations, 2016, №1. S.8-18. (Russian)
2. Baranov M.V. , Katuntsev V.P., Shpakov A.V., Baranov V.M. A Method of Ground Simulation of Physiological Effects of Hypogravity on Humans. // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2016, V. 160, Issue 3, pp 401-405.
3. Katuntsev V.P., Filipenkov S.N. Thermal state of astronauts during automatic regulation of heat removal during extravehicular activity from the International Space Station. // Medicine of extreme situations, 2019, v. 21, no. 2, p. 88-97. (Russian)
4. Katuntsev V.P., Sukhostavtseva T.V., Kotov A.N., Baranov M.V. Influence of hypoxic training on human orthostatic stability before and after simulated microgravity. // Medicine of extreme situations, 2020, v. 22, No. 4, pp. 14-23. (Russian)
5. Katuntsev V.P., Baranov M.V. Zakharov S. Yu, Suchostavtseva T.V., Puchkova A.A., Stavrovskaya D.M. Adaptation to intermittent hypoxia: influence on the state of endothelial function. // Human physiology, 2021, Vol. 47, No 3, p.306-312.