Head of Medical Service,
High Command of the Russian Navy (St. Petersburg, Russia)
DSc (medicine), professor
Areas of expertise:
marine medicine, psychophysiology, public health, healthcare organization
Order of Honor (2006)
Badge of distinction "For impeccable service" XXV years (2016)
Commendation of the President of the Russian Federation (2020)
Certificate of honor Chairman of the Marine Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation
Significant publications in last 5 years
1. Organization and tactics of the medical service of the Navy: a monograph / [I.G.Mosyagin et al.]. – St Petersburg: Baltic Medical Educational Center, 2021. – P. 238 (Russian)
2. Kobylinsky L. V., Mosyagin I. G. History of the Pacific Fleet Medical Service (1731-2021) / science editor professor I.G.Mosyagin – Saint Petersburg: LLC «Phoenix Publishing House», 2021 – P. 700 (Russian)
3. Mosyagin I. G. The role of Russian admirals in preserving the health of sailors of the Russian Fleet / I. G. Mosyagin, O. K. Bumai. – St/ Petersburg: Baltic Medical Educational Center, 2021. – P. 88 (Russian)