ISSN Print 2713-2757    ISSN Online 2713-2765


Deputy General Director for Science and Biophysical Technologies,
A. I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center (Moscow, Russia)

DSc (medicine), professor

Areas of expertise:

radiation and hygienic monitoring in the vicinity of radiation hazardous facilities, assessment of the public health, regulation of permissible levels of individual radiation exposure, radiation safety and protection regulation

Special awards and honors:

For services in the field of public health was awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2015)

Significant publications in last 5 years

1. Fundamentals of radioecological and hygienic environmental monitoring / I.P. Korenkov, T.N. Laschenova, N.K. Shandala, S.M. Kiselev; ed. L.A. Ilyina, A.S. Samoilov- - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2021 .-- 400 p. (Russian)

2. Shandala N.K., Samoilov A.S., Varenik V.I., Starinskaya R.A. About the experience of the FSBI SSC FMBC named after A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia on the implementation of the state defense order // Security in the use of atomic energy for defense purposes. Information bulletin of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom". Chipboard. 2020. No. 6. S. 160-171. (Russian)

3. Shandala N.K., Kiselev S.M., Titov A.V. Scientific and practical experience of supervisory activities in the field of ensuring the protection of the population and the environment at nuclear heritage sites in Russia // Radiation hygiene. 2019.Vol. 12.No. 2.P. 83-96. (Russian)

4. Shandala N., Chizhov K., Simakov A. et al. Radiation situation dynamics at the Andreeva bay site for temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste over the period 2002-2016 // Journal of Radiological Protection. 2018. Vol. 38. No. 2. P. 480-509.

5. Shandala N.K., Kiselev S.M., Titov A.V. Radiation-hygienic monitoring at objects of vigorous and uranium heritage // Hygiene and sanitation. 2017. Vol.96. No. 9. P. 813-818 (Russian)