Leading Researcher,
A. I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center (Moscow, Russia)
DSc (physics & math), professor
Areas of expertise:
medical physics, radiation therapy dosimetry planning, dosimetry and protection against ionizing radiation
Certificate of honor of the Federal State Budgetary Institution SSC FMBC them. A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia
Significant publications in last 5 years
1. Kazantsev P.V., Lebedenko I.M., Klimanov V.A. et al. Practical application of a portal dosimetry device for daily checks within the framework of the accelerator quality assurance program. Med.techn., 2016, No. 1, pp. 52-55 (Russian)
2. Klimanov V.A., Moiseev A.N., Kolyvanova M.A. et al. Dose kernels of thin and differential thin beams of photons with the spectrum of the Rokus therapeutic apparatus with a Co-60 source and their analytical approximation. Bulletin of Moscow State University. Physics and Astronomy. V. 71 (4), 2016, p. 432 - 440. (Russian)
3. Klimanov V.A., Moiseev A.N., Kolyvanov M.A., Galyautdinova J. Zh.. Analytical model of the dose core of a thin photon beam for dosimetry of non-standard photon beams with a small circular cross section. Medical equipment. V. 52.No. 2, 2018, pp. 27 - 30. (Russian)
4. Klimanov V.A., Samoilov A.S., Gadzhinov AE., Peshkin Ya.A. Physics of proton beam therapy planning. Medical radiology and radiation safety. V. 64, No. 2, 2019, p. 23 - 32. (Russian)
5. Belousov V.A., Klimanov V.A., Morozov V.N. et al. Changes in the linear energy transfer of a clinical proton beam when gold nanoparticles are added to the target area. Biofizika, 2021. 6 (20); 65 (4), 638-645. (Russian)