An experiment on biological objects: composite facial graft cross-transplantation

Daykhes NA1, Nazaryan DN1, Gileva KS2, Mokhirev MA1, Lyashev IN1, Zakharov GK1, Fedosov AV1, Potapov MB1, Batyrev AV1, Karneeva OV1
About authors

1 Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology under the Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA) of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

2 Petrovsky Russian Scientific Center for Surgery, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Aleksey V. Batyrev
Volokolamskoe shosse, 30/2, k. 443, Moscow, 123182; ur.xednay@laicafoinarc

About paper

Funding: FMBA applied research, subject "Research of metabolic, morphometric and functional characteristics of tissues and organs after head and neck area surgery involving physical and laser-conversion digital technologies" ("ChLH-18").

Author contribution: Daikhes NA, Nazaryan DN — work organization, article editing; Gileva KS, Mokhirev MA, Lyashev IN, Zakharov GK, Fedosov AV, Potapov MB — participation in the experimental part of the work; Batyrev AV — participation in the organization and experimental part of the work, article authoring; Karneeva OV — participation in the organization of work.

Compliance with ethical standards: the living conditions of animals, care and all manipulations they were subjected to meet the experimental model research standards.

Received: 2020-10-01 Accepted: 2020-11-14 Published online: 2020-11-29
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