Using experimental ex vivo models to develop COVID-19 pathogenetic therapy and complications prevention agents

About authors

Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology Leningrad Region, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Denis S. Laptev
st. Kapitolovo, gor. pos. Kuzmolovsky, 93, Vsevolozhsky rajon, 188663; ur.liam@nedpal

About paper

Author contribution: Laptev DS — experimental part, information collection, data processing; Petunov SG — data processing and interpretation, general guidance; Nechaykina OV — experimental part, information collection; Bobkov DV — data processing; Radilov AS — data processing and interpretation.

Compliance with ethical standards: all work with animals was carried out in conformity to the provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes.

Received: 2020-09-15 Accepted: 2020-12-25 Published online: 2020-12-12
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