Central vein sign for differential diagnosis of demyelinating diseases of CNS

About authors

1 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

2 Federal Center for Brain Research and Neurotechnologies of FMBA, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Alexey N. Boyko
Ostrovityanova, 1, 117437, Москва; moc.liamg@31naokyob

About paper

Author contribution: Belov SE — literature analysis, study design, recruitment of patients, clinical analysis, manuscript preparation; Gubsky IL — study design, MRI examinations, MRI data analysis, manuscript preparation; Lelyuk VG — study design, MRI data analysis, manuscript preparation; Boyko AN — study design, recruitment of patients, clinical analysis, manuscript preparation.

Compliance with ethical standards: informed consent was obtained from both patients.

Received: 2021-07-15 Accepted: 2021-08-04 Published online: 2021-08-18
Fig. 1. Magnetic resonance images of patient 1. A. A T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image, the axial plane. The image shows a periventricular lesion in the posterior horn of the left lateral ventricle (marked by the red oval). B. A susceptibility-weighted (SW) image, the axial plane. The image shows a central vein sign in the lesion near the posterior horn of the left ventricle (marked by the red oval). C. A susceptibility-weighted (SW) image; the sagittal plane, the central vein sign appears as a dot in the lesion (marked by the red oval). D. A susceptibility-weighted (SW) image, the coronal plane; the central vein sign appears as a thin line in the same lesion (marked by the red oval)
Fig. 2. Magnetic resonance images of patient 2. A. A T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image, the axial plane. The image shows a round lesion in the deep white matter of the left frontal lobe (marked by the red oval). B. A susceptibility-weighted (SW) image, the axial plane. The image shows the same lesion, the central vein sign is not visualized (the red oval). C. A susceptibility-weighted (SW) image, the sagittal plane. The same lesion, the central vein sign is not visualized; a smaller lesion not suitable for the analysis is located in close proximity (the red oval). D. A susceptibility-weighted (SW) image, the coronal plane. The same lesion, the central vein sign is not visualized (the red oval)