Proton therapy for re-irradiation of pediatric diffuse brain stem tumors

Udalov YuD1, Slobina EL1, Danilova LA1, Zheludkova OG2, Kiselev VA1,4, Nezvetsky AV1, Demidova AM1,4, Ivanov AV1, Dykina AV3
About authors

1 Federal Research and Clinical Center for Medical Radiology and Oncology of FMBA, Dimitrovgrad, Russia

2 Voyno-Yasenetsky Research and Practical Center of Specialized Medical Care for Children, Moscow, Russia

3 Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology, Moscow, Russia

4 Dimitrovgrad Institute of Engineering and Technology of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Dimitrovgrad, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Elena L. Slobina
Kurchatova, 5V, Dimitrovgrad, 433507, Russia; ur.liamrmcvf@anibols

About paper

Funding: the article is part of the research project on Creating and maintaining a database of patients undergoing proton therapy for cancer for FMBA, Russia and was conducted under the State Assignment 388-00141-21-00 dated December 24, 2020.

Author contribution: Udalov YuD initiated the publication; Slobina EL delivered medical care and photon irradiation at the first stage of treatment and was responsible for writing the manuscript; Danilova LA chairman of the medical council that proposed treatment strategy; Zheludkova OG pediatric oncologist, that proposed treatment strategy and supervised all stages of treatment; Kiselev VA calculated total radiation doses and their temporal and spatial distribution at all treatment stages; Nezvetsky AV delivered medical care and proton irradiation at the second stage of treatment; Demidova AM planned proton therapy; Ivanov AV responsible for the anesthetic support of the patient's radiation therapy sessions; Dykina AV planned photon therapy.

Received: 2021-10-04 Accepted: 2021-11-12 Published online: 2021-12-07
Fig. 1. Sagittal (A) and axial (B) MRI images of the patient’s brain performed on July 10, 2019 before commencing RT
Fig. 2. Sagittal dose distribution of 3D conformal RT for the diffuse BS and a dose-volume histogram (DVH)
Fig. 3. Axial MRI images 1.5 months after RT completion (October 31, 2019): T1W (A) and T2W FLAIR (B)
Fig. 4. А. Sagittal brain MRI image (December 8, 2020). B. Axial 11С-methionine PET/CT image (January 11, 2021)
Fig. 5. Proton therapy dose distribution for the recurrent diffuse BS tumor and a dose-volume histogram