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Screening the activity of incorporated radionuclides in the research organization employees
Scientific Research Institute of Marine and Industrial Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, St. Petersburg, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Daria V. Arefeva
Yuri Gagarin prospect, 65, liter А, St. Petersburg, 196128, Russia; moc.liamg@012.mmpiin
Funding: state contract dated July 15, 2019 № on implementation of the applied research project Justification of Directions for Improving the Internal Exposure Monitoring System for Employees of Research Institutes Serviced by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (on the example of V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute) (code: SICH-19).
Author contributions: Turlakov YuS, Grabsky YuV — overall study management, final version of the article; Arefeva DV — planning, arrangement, analysis of the research results, manuscript writing; Shayakhmetova AA — radiometric survey, data processing and analysis; Firsanov VB — spectrometry, dosimetry, and radiometric survey, data processing; Petushok AV — dosimetry and radiometric survey, data processing.
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