Development of microbial preparation for bioremediation of soils contaminated with rocket fuel components

Zharikov GA1, Krainova OA1, Khaitov MR2, Marchenko AI1
About authors

1 Research Center for Toxicology and Hygienic Regulation of Biopreparations of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Bolshevik, Moscow region, Russia

2 National Research Center Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Gennady A. Zharikov
Lenina, 102А, Bolshevik, Serpukhov city district, Moscow region, 142253, Russia; ur.oibcixot@vokirahZ

About paper

Funding: the study was carried out under state orders of the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia (№, №

Author contribution: Khaitov MR — general research management; Zharikov GA — planning and management of laboratory and field research, experimental procedure, data analysis; Krainova OA — microbiological testing (isolation and selection of bacterial destructors of rocket fuel, preparation of microbial suspensions for experiments, biodestructor collection maintenance); Marchenko AI — microbiological and biochemical testing (enzyme activity of soil), biotests for assessment of soil toxicity, statistical data processing.

Compliance with ethical standards: animals were treated in accordance with the principles of Good Laboratory Practice. Veterinary protocols № 669 and № 677 for strains 5G и 62М/3 were approved by the Bioethics Commission (protocol № 165/2019 of 19 February 2019, protocol № 169/2019 of 16 April 2019).

Received: 2022-06-22 Accepted: 2022-08-18 Published online: 2022-09-15
Fig. 1. The process of aviation kerosene degradation by microorganisms-destructors in laboratory environment, g/kg of soil
Fig. 2. Dehydrogenase activity in the soil contaminated with formalin (0.05%) and aviation kerosene (0.1%) during microbial remediation in laboratory experiments
Fig. 3. Hydrolase activity in the soil contaminated with formalin and aviation kerosene during microbial remediation in laboratory experiments
Fig. 4. Cellulase activity (%) in the soil contaminated with formalin and aviation kerosene after 30 days of microbial remediation in laboratory experiments
Fig. 5. Dynamic changes in the soil concentration of aviation kerosene during the field experiment, g/kg of soil
Fig. 6. Dehydrogenase activity of the soil in the field experiment
Fig. 7. Hydrolase activity of the soil in the field experiment
Fig. 8. Cellulase activity of the soil (%) in the field experiment
Table 1. Changes in microbial cell counts of microorganisms-destructors and saprophytic microflora during the microbial remediation of soil performed in laboratory environment, CFU/g of soil
Note: the columns show indicators for strain 5G, strain 62М/3, soil saprophytes.
Table 2. Acute toxicity of the soil to Daphnia assessed during microbial degradation of formalin and aviation kerosene performed in laboratory environment
Table 3. Phytotoxicity of the soil contaminated with formalin and aviation kerosene to oat seeds after the soil microbial remediation in laboratory experiments
Note: M — mean, Ϭ — standard deviation.
Table 4. The changes in microbial cell counts of microorganisms introduced into soil and saprophytic microbiota during the field experiment, CFU/g
Note: the columns show indicators for strain 5G, strain 62М/3, soil saprophytes.
Table 5. Integral toxicity of soil to Daphnia in the field experiment
Table 6. Soil phytotoxicity to oat seeds on day 60 of the field experiment
Note: M — mean, Ϭ — standard deviation.