Problems of mortality analysis in towns of the Russian Federation

Saltykova MM, Antipina UI, Balakaeva AV
About authors

Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Marina M. Soltykova
Pogodinskaya st., 10, building 1, Moscow, 119121, Russia; ur.zmpsc@avokytlas

About paper

Funding: the study was part of the effort under State Assignment #NIOKTR АААА-А19-119020890029-1.

Author contribution: Saltykova MM — concept and design of the study; Saltykova MM, Antipina UI, Balakayeva AV — data analysis and interpretation, article authoring, editing and final approval.

Received: 2022-09-21 Accepted: 2022-10-13 Published online: 2022-11-07

Mortality rate is one of the main indicators of how healthy a population is, and planning and implementing measures aimed at reducing morbidity and increasing life expectancy in the population is impossible without an adequate analysis and interpretation of mortality data. At the same time, as pointed out by many researchers, there are factors external to a human body being that can have a significant effect on the mortality rate in a population. This study aimed to assess the impact of one of these factors, the number of beds in hospitals (per 10,000 people) of cities with population exceeding 100,000 people. The analysis included data from Rosstat (Russian statistics service) on the population size, mortality, number of hospital beds, average monthly wages in 12 cities within the period from 2017 through 2019. Five cities from these 12 were selected as a more homogeneous subgroup in terms of socio-economic conditions. We found a positive correlation between mortality rate per 1000 inhabitants (R > 0.7; p < 0.009) and the number of hospital beds per 10,000 people in the sample of 12 cities. This correlation was higher (R ≥ 0.9; p < 0.037) in the more homogeneous subgroup. A factor that may condition this correlation may be that of deaths of people from other regions in hospitals of the cities in question, which are counted when estimating the mortality rate and have a significant effect on that estimation. The results of the study point to the need to differentiate between people registered in a city and those living there permanently when assessing mortality rate therein.

Keywords: mortality, access to medical care