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Clinical and laboratory predictors of severe community-acquired pneumonia in children under four years of age

Kozyrev EA1, Babachenko IV1,2, Orlov AV3, Martens EA1,3, Nikitina EV1, Tian NS1,2, Orlova ED1
About authors

1 Pediatric Research and Clinical Center of Infectious Diseases of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2 Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

3 Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Evgeny A. Kozyrev
Professora Popova, 9, Saint Petersburg, 197022, Russia; ur.liam@aynehz_veryzok

About paper

Author contribution: Kozyrev EA — patient enrollment, literature review, data processing, manuscript writing; Babachenko IV — study planning, data processing, manuscript editing; Orlov AV — patient enrollment, manuscript editing; Martens EA, Nikitina EV — laboratory tests, manuscript editing; Tian N, Orlova ED — patient enrollment, manuscript editing.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases of FMBA of Russia (protocol № 141 dated 03 December 2020) and the Ethics Committee of the St.Olga City Children's Hospital (protocol № 55 dated 30 March 2021). The informed consent in clinical research was obtained in all cases.

Received: 2023-07-23 Accepted: 2023-11-30 Published online: 2023-12-31
Table 1. Distribution of patients’ complaints with significant differences depending on CAP severity
Table 2. Distribution of physical findings with significant differences depending on CAP severity
Table 3. Significant differences in hemogram parameters of children depending on CAP severity
Note: *when the laboratory parameter value increases by one.
Table 4. Diagnostic ability of laboratory parameters in detection of severe CAP
Table 5. Traits included in the logistic regression model for prediction of severe CAP in children under the age of four