ISSN Print 2713-2757    ISSN Online 2713-2765


Acting Director,
Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology (St. Petersburg, Russia)

DSc (medicine), professor

Areas of expertise:

toxicology, pharmacology, biotechnology, hygiene, occupational pathology

Special awards and honors:

Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
Order of Honor
Badge "Excellence in Health Care" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Significant publications in last 5 years

1. Dubrovskii Y., Solovyev N., Murashko E., Chuprina O., Beltyukov P., Radilov A., Babakov V. Mass spectrometry based proteomic approach for the screening of butyrylcholinesterase adduct formation with organophosphates // Talanta. 2019.Vol. 197, p. 374-382.

2. Sofronov G.A., Rembovsky V.R., Radilov A.S., Mogilenkova L.A. Modern views on the mechanism of toxic action of dioxins and their sanitary and hygienic regulation // Medical academic journal. 2019.Vol. 19.No. 1.P. 17-28. (Russian)

3. Sudareva N., Suvorova O., Saprykina N., Smirnova N., Vilesov A., Bel'tyukov P., Petunov S., Radilov A. Two-level delivery systems based on caco 3 cores for oral administration of therapeutic peptides // Journal of Microencapsulation. 2018.Vol. 35.No. 7-8. S. 619-634.

4. Uyba V.V., Krivorotov D.V., Zabelin M.V., Radilov A.S., Rembovsky V.R., Dulov S.A., Kuznetsov V.A., Erofeev G.G., Martinovich N.N., Sosnov A.V. Opioid receptor antagonists. From the present to the future (review) // Medicine of extreme situations. 2018.Vol. 20.No. S3. S. 356-370. (Russian)

5. Injections A.I., Kessenikh E.D., Radilov A.S., Goncharov N.V. Toxicometabolomics: search for markers of chronic exposure to low concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons // Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2017.Vol. 53.No. 1.P. 23-32. (Russian)