ISSN Print 2713-2757    ISSN Online 2713-2765


Scientific Director,
Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology (St. Petersburg, Russia)

DSc (medicine), professor

Areas of expertise:

toxicology, pharmacology, hygiene, occupational pathology

Special awards and honors:

State Prize Laureate
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Order of Honor
Order of Alexander Nevsky
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree

Significant publications in last 5 years

1. Uyba VV, Krivorotov DV, Zabelin MV, Radilov AS, Rembovsky VR, et al. Antagonists of opioid receptors. From the present to the future (review) // Medicine of extreme situations. 2018.Vol. 20.No. S3. S. 356-370. (Russian)

2. Filippov V.L., Rembovsky V.R., Filippova Yu.V. Preservation of mental health of workers in extreme conditions is an urgent problem of occupational pathology // Occupational medicine and industrial ecology. 2017. No. 9.P. 203-204. (Russian)

3. Gulyaev D.V., Kombarova M.Yu., Radilov A.S., Rembovskiy V.R., et al. Ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the infrastructure of the chemical weapons destruction facility "pochep", planned to be involved in economic circulation // Medicine of extreme situations. 2019.Vol. 21.No. 4.P. 556-562. (Russian)

4. Kombarova M.Yu., Savelyeva E.I., Petunov S.G., Radilov A.S., Rembovsky V.R., Alikbaeva L.A. Chemical safety of the Russian Federation. Problems and solutions // Medicine of extreme situations. 2018.Vol. 20.No. S3. S. 383-397. (Russian)

5. Rembovsky V.R., Mogilenkova L.A., Radilov A.S., Savelyeva E.I., Kombarova M.Yu. Prospects for biomonitoring for health assessment when working with hazardous chemicals. // Medicine of extreme situations. 2018.Vol. 20.No. S3. S. 398-407. (Russian)