The process of production of inactivated influenza vaccines involves a stage of inactivation of both the influenza virus and the possible viral contaminants that can come from the raw materials (chicken embryos). One of such contaminants is the avian leukemia virus. The minimum viral contaminant load reduction that the inactivating agents should guarantee is by 4 lg/ml; this or higher level of the deactivating ability ensures the finished vaccine is free from viral contaminants. The purpose of this work was to cultivate the leukemia virus to the titer of 5 lg/ml (minimum) and to measure the reduction of the avian leukemia virus titer in influenza vaccine intermediates upon exposure to the inactivating agents. The RAV-1 and RAV-2 leukemia virus strains and influenza vaccine intermediates such as virus-containing allantoic fluid and virus concentrates were used in the study. Avian leukemia virus titers were determined by enzyme immunoassay. We created conditions for cultivation of the RAV-1 and RAV-2 avian leukemia virus strains in the primary culture of chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF); the inactivating agents considered were the most commonly used β-propiolactone and UV radiation. It was found that after 12 hours of exposure to β-propiolactone, the RAV-1 avian leukemia virus load decreased by 4.61 ± 0.46 lg, and that of RAV-2 strain - by 4.33 ± 0.33 lg, which indicates that β-propiolactone is an effective inactivating agent. Five minutes of exposure to UV radiation reduces the RAV-1 strain viral load by 4.22 ± 0.31 lg and RAV-2 strain viral load by 4.44 ± 0.48 lg.
VIEWS 1497
Active (red) bone marrow (AM) exposure due to ingested bone-seeking radionuclides can lead to grave medical consequences. For example, a radioactive contamination of the Techa River in the 1950s caused exposure to AM for riverside residents and led to chronic radioactive exposure syndrome in some of them, with higher risk of leukemia. The main sources of the marrow exposure were the bone-seeking beta emitters 89,90Sr. Improving the dosimetry of AM internal exposure is an important step in clarifying the risks of chronic radiation exposure for riverside residents. To evaluate the energy absorbed by AM from incorporated 90Sr it is customary to use computational phantoms where radiation transport can be emulated. A phantom is a representative digital representation of skeletal bone geometry and AM The goal of this work was to develop a computational phantom of a newborn skeleton for dosimetry of AM from incorporated 90Sr. The researchers have used the Stochastic Parametric Skeletal Dosimetry method (SPSD), where hematopoietic sites were modeled as a set of phantoms of simple geometric shape describing individual skeletal bone areas. The AM content in the skeleton as well as the phantom parameters were evaluated on the basis of published measurements of real bones. As a result, a computational phantom of the main skeletal hematopoietic sites was generated for a newborn baby, including 34 phantoms of bone areas. The simulated phantom simulates the bone structure as well as the variability of skeletal parameters within the population and corresponds well to measurements of real bones.
VIEWS 1629
Lactoferrin, artemisinin, and azithromycin exhibit a broad spectrum of antiviral, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory effects. The experiments show that these drugs partially inhibit the infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. This allows us to conclude that the effects on the entry of virions into cells mediated by each of these substances taken separately are insufficient for complete inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 infection. The study was aimed to perform in vitro assessment of cytotoxicity and antiviral activity against the laboratory SARS-CoV-2 strain of the mixture of active ingredients: lactoferrin, artemisinin, and azithromycin. We used the Vero CCL81 (ATСС) cell line and the Dubrovka laboratory strain of SARS-CoV-2 (GenBank ID: MW161041.1), isolated in the Vero CCL81 cell culture from the nasopharyngeal swab of patient with СOVID-19. Cytotoxic effects and antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 of the drug mixture were assessed based on the cytopathic effects using the MTT (methylthiazolyldiphenyl-tetrazolium bromide) assay. Hydroxychloroquine was used as a reference drug. It has been shown that at high  (MOI 100) and low (MOI 20) multiplicity of infection used in the Vero CCL 81 cell culture, the mixture of artemisinin, lactoferrin and azithromycin has a significant effect on the SARS-CoV-2 reproduction, and IC50 (half maximal inhibitory concentration) is estimated as the 1 : 2 dilution in both cases. The findings make it possible to conclude that the studied mixture is low toxic and shows significant antiviral effects in vitro.
VIEWS 1809
Personnel safety is a priority when decommissioning obsolete nuclear facilities. The study was aimed to develop the methodological basis for the medical and sanitary support of the nuclear industry enterprise personnel radiation safety during the nuclear legacy elimination on the example of Siberian Chemical Plant (SCP, Seversk). The study involved the data of the SCP employees' medical and dosimetric register containing information about all cases of death (with an indication of the cause) of former and current employees of the enterprise. The study results were used to justify selection of the area for development of scientific and methodological support of activities in the field of medical and sanitary support of radiation safety during the nuclear legacy elimination. Death rates and the risk of dying from cancer of certain localizations (trachea, bronchi, lung, skin, stomach, colon, lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues, breast and prostate glands) in the nuclear industry enterprise employees were assessed. The directions for improving the medical support of the nuclear enterprise employees and the population of the surveillance zones during the nuclear legacy elimination were defined. The findings will make it possible to adjust the medical support of the nuclear industry enterprise employees in order to extend their working longevity, as well as to reduce the adverse radiation-induced health effects in people engaged in the nuclear legacy elimination.
VIEWS 1543
Frequent resulting disability and case mortality support the urgency of investigation of the immune response mechanisms triggered by severe injury (SI) in children. This study aimed to determine the informative immunological criteria of traumatic injury severity and prognosis in children (n = 43) based on the assessment of expression of CD39 and CD73 ectonucleotidase in populations of regulatory T cells (Treg, CD4+CD127lowCD25high) and T-helper 17 cells (Th17, CD4+CD161+CD3+) in SI cases grouped by the outcome (favorable (SIfav, n = 24), unfavorable (SIunfav, n = 17) and lethal (n = 2)). With the help of flow cytometry, we identified a pronounced decrease in the absolute number of Treg and Th17, as well as Treg and Th17 expressing CD39 and CD73, in the early post-traumatic period. In the SIfav and SIunfav groups the relative number of Treg and Th17 cells expressing CD39 differed significantly (p <0.05); it was substantially higher form the first to the third day post injury in the SIunfav group. The level of Treg CD39 (44.4%) is a premise for an unfavorable outcome in children surviving an SI. In fatality cases, we registered extremely low ectonucleotidase expression rates: CD39+Treg — 9.52% (9.52–13.75) and CD39+Th17 — 0.92% (0.74–1.1). In the SIunfav group, the intensity of fluorescence (FL) of CD39 on Treg cells in the early post-traumatic period was higher than seen in the SIfav group. The threshold value for the average fluorescence intensity (FL) of CD39 on Treg was 8.25 c.u. In fatality cases, the Treg CD39 FL values were extremely low: 3.95 c.u. (3.7–4.67). The results of the study indicate that in children, the expression of CD39 and CD73 in Treg and Th17 populations is significantly associated with the severity of injury and outcome of the traumatic disease.
VIEWS 1500
There are single and multi parameter bioclimatic indices that enable assessment of the impact of weather and climatic conditions on health of a human being. This study aimed to comparatively assess health risks in the Arctic's open area using the bioclimatic indices. Relying on the data from the Central Siberian Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Krasnoyarsk) that describe the weather on Cape Chelyuskin in 2010–2022, we assessed the temperature, the integral indicator of body cooling conditions (IIBCC), the wind chill factor (WCF), the effective (ET) and the net effective temperature (NET), and the universal thermal climate index (UTCI). It was found that the WCF temperature can characterize the degree of frost risk as established by the IIBCC: the indicator has the critical frost risk period lasting November through April, and the respective risk level by WCF is "discomfort" (coolness) and "very cold", that by UTCI — "extreme stress", by ET — "caution — frostbite of exposed skin" (shorter), by NET — "threat of frostbite" (longer). The IIBCC and the UTCI show that the risk of cold injury in the conditions of Cape Chelyuskin is year-round: according to the IIBCC, its level changes between moderate (4–6 months) and critical (4–6 months), and according to UTCI, it may be very strong (4 months), and very strong and extreme (8 months). We have proven the advantages of UTCI over other integral indicators in assessment of the cold-related health risk and updated the basis for the hygienic requirements regulating practice of work in the open or in unheated enclosed spaces during the cold season.
VIEWS 1498
Medical care at the pre-hospital stage requires concentration of attention from ambulance workers and induces stress on the functional systems of their bodies. The spread of COVID-19 has increased the workload on mobile ambulance teams and worsened functional state of the team members' central nervous systems. This study aimed to investigate the impact of professional activity on changes in the indicators reflecting attention capacity, allocation and switching in mobile ambulance healthcare workers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We used the Number Square method to assess these indicators. The participants were divided into groups with the help of standard tens, through standardization of the number of digital symbols, correct answers, mistakes made and time spent. The clear signs of fatigue by the end of the work shift are the decreased attention capacity, registered in 40.48% (p < 0.0001) of participants, and deteriorating attention allocation, registered in 64.29% (p < 0.05). The dynamics of the indicators were revealed to be associated (negative trends) with length of service and age. The registered values did not decrease at each subsequent shift, which proves the rest period between the shifts ensures a sufficient recovery. Decreased attention capacity and allocation by the end of the shift, as objective signs of fatigue, depend on age and length of service. Lack of negative dynamics shift-to-shift shows that the functional resources of the body are restored during the prescribed rest period even in the intense conditions of mobile ambulance teams' work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
VIEWS 1773