Simultaneous repair of the skull base and the frontal lobe defect using CAD-CAM technology

Ivanov OV
About authors

Federal Siberian Research and Clinical Center of FMBA, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Evgeniya A. Blinova
Vorovskogo, 68, korp. 1, Chelyabinsk, 454141, Russia; ur.mrcru@avonilb

About paper

Funding: the work was part of the State Assignment on the Cranial bone defect repair with shape memory materials.

Acknowledgments: the authors thank Urasovsky IB, Director of Logeeks Medical Systems, and Panchencko AA, Director of Engineering, for their help in creating the customized implant.

Compliance with ethical standards: the patient gave her informed consent to participate in the study

Received: 2021-10-07 Accepted: 2021-11-08 Published online: 2021-11-08
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