Estimation of mutagenic potential of the valproic acid derivative containing a tertiary amino group

Zolotoverkhaja EA, Kubarskaya LG, Bespalov AYa, Melekhova AS
About authors

Golikov Research Clinical Center of Toxicology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Ekaterina A. Zolotoverkhaja
Bekhtereva, 1, Saint-Petersburg, 192019, Russia; ur.xednay@ajahkrevotoloz.e

About paper

Funding: the study was performed as part of the State Assignment “Assessment of Effiacy and Safety of the Valproic Acid Amino Ester Substance as an Agent for Drug Treatment of the Toxin-Induced Seizures”, R&D project № 121041500281-1.

Author contribution: Zolotoverkhaja EA — study planning, in silico analysis, statistical analysis and data interpretation, manuscript writing; Kubarskaya LG — in vitro experiments, data acquisition and analysis; Bespalov AYa — synthesis of the test compound, data interpretation, manuscript editing; Melekhova AS — manuscript editing, preparing supportive documents for publishing.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was performed in silico and in vitro, no approval by the Ethics Committee was required.

Received: 2023-06-20 Accepted: 2023-08-23 Published online: 2023-09-15
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